module Llvm2smt:sig
The implementation is functorized to hide Z3's context. Here is the typical way to use this module :
module ZZ3 = ZZ3.Make (struct let ctx = Z3.mk_context [] end)
module Smtg = Smtgraph.Make (ZZ3)
module L2S = Llvm2smt.Init (ZZ3) (Smtg)
Then, assuming you have llf
an llvm function:
let smt =
let llb2node, llg = Llvmcfg.of_llfunction llf in
let breakpoints, llg' = Llvmcfg.break_graph llg in
let smtg = L2S.llvm2smt llf points llg' in
SMTg.to_smt smtg
Note that this functor *is* stateful. It will build up the environment env
as it translate functions which allows to find the smt variable from an llvm variable.
exception Not_implemented of Llvm.llvalue
val sprint_exn : Llvm.llvalue -> string
exception Variable_not_found of (bool * Llvm.llvalue)
val sprint_exn_var : bool * Llvm.llvalue -> string
exception Block_not_found of (bool * Llvm.llbasicblock)
val sprint_exn_block : bool * Llvm.llbasicblock -> string
module Init(
module type of Smtgraph.Make(ZZ3)